Many individuals can experience symptoms associated with painful, intense, or traumatic past experiences. Anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, and hopelessness can continue to cause problems for us after traumatic events. For more information see Trauma.
You may find yourself constantly worried, fearful, panicky, or not able to sleep because your mind races, always focused on the negative possibilities in life.
Depression is common, but can be quite debilitating. You may suffer from lack of motivation and productivity, poor sleep and appetite, feel bad about yourself, and no longer find any joy or meaning in your life.
We all develop an attachment style in childhood, and if we had parents who could not be consistently loving, emotionally-present caregivers, be it from mental illness, addiction, physical absence, their own insecure attachment, etc., they may not have provided the environment we needed to develop a secure attachment. Fortunately we can earn Secure Attachment.
As children, we are often unaware of "the invisible things:" things that we didn't know we needed and never got. Things like emotional presence, consistency, unconditional support. This lack of having our emotional needs met can alter our development of self and impact how we see ourselves, others, and the world. It can drastically interfere with our ability to function as an adult, and impact our adult relationships.
Relationships are an important part of everyone's life they can be a source of great joy or a repeating source of anguish. You may be struggling in your relationships with a loved one, a family member, or a co-worker, and maybe you feel like you have tried everything you can think of an nothing seems to improve.
All the above photos taken by Sherry from Deer Park Washington during the solar storm
May 2024